13 Tips and Tricks to Play Pokemon GO, So that Pokemon Master

Pokemon GO is one of smartphone games that are popular these days. Pokemon hunt backgrounds live in the real world, this game successfully made many people addicted to play it. For you who have not played a Pokemon game GO

GO Pokemon in the game, players are required to move so that the trainer (avatar in the game Pokemon GO) can get Pokemon. The more he moves, of course, the possibility to obtain greater Pokemon. In addition to capturing Pokemon there are many other things that need attention so that it could be a great Pokemon trainer. What are these things? Here is the full review.

Tips and Tricks to Play Pokemon GO
For you who wants to become a master Pokemon and catch Pokemon faster? JalanTikus here will give you some tips and tricks to complete play Pokemon GO can make you become more proficient than ever.

1. Getting Pikachu when you first play
tips-and-tricks-playing pokemon-go-GO 1Tips playing Pokemon Pikachu first catch. In addition to Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle, it turns out you can get a Pikachu when you first play. How do I get Pokemon Pikachu? The trick is to let Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle and walked until they appeared as much as 4 times. On appearance of the 5th, Pikachu will appear automatically.

2. What does Footprints in Pokemon GO?

tips-and-tricks-playing pokemon-go-2Saat play Pokemon GO, there is a box on the lower right called Nearby. Nearby box notifies Pokemon whatever is around you. The instructions that can be used to approximate the location of these Pokemon are footprints. Ranging from three footprints, two footprints, one footprints, and no footprints. What is the meaning of footprints in Pokemon GO? You can see below.

3 footprints: Located about 300 meters from where we stand (3 circles)
2 Footprints: Located about 200 meters from where we stand (2 circles)
1 Footprints: Located about 100 meters from where we stand (1 circle)
Without Footprints: Wait, within 5-10 seconds Pokemon will appear in our circle.

3. What does the circle in the Pokemon when arrested?
tips-and-tricks-playing pokemon-go-3Pada moment captured Pokemon will appear smaller circle. In order Pokemon are not blurred when captured, you can start when the ball melembar smaller circles. The circle there are several colors, ranging from green, yellow and red. Usually Pokemon with a red circle has CP (Combat Power) high.

Green: Easy arrested
Yellow: Moderately Difficult arrested
Red: Difficult arrested

4. Catch Pokemon in order not to obscure
tips-and-tricks-playing pokemon-go-4Pokemon with high CP is often blurred when captured? Do not take lightly, an increasingly rare Pokemon, the stronger is also CP her and more difficult to catch. Tips for Pokemon do not run away anymore, you can use a combination of items Great Ball or Ultra Ball and Razz Berry when caught.

5. Utilize optimally PokeStop
PokeStop utilize its full potential is one of the tips to play Pokemon GO in order to become a master Pokemon. PokeStop is somewhere in Pokemon GO which contains many items for the players who are nearby. PokeStop When you play, you will get a variety of items, ranging from Ball, Potion, Revive, and much more. When PokeStop rotated, the color will be purple. But going back to blue after 5 minutes.

PokeStop can be installed an item called Lure. Lure function will invite a lot of Pokemon come to PokeStop for 30 minutes. If you are lazy to walk away, you can go to the nearest PokeStop and install Lure. Or you can go to PokeStop already installed Lure by others and wait pokemon to catch.

6. Catch Pokemon faster
tips-play pokemon-go-6Tips play Pokemon next GO is catching Pokemon faster. Have plenty of time to catch a Pokemon? You can accelerate the catching Pokemon with the help of Lure and Incense. If Lure can only be used in PokeStop alone, Incense you can use while walking. Incense serves to invite to come to the Pokemon around you with the time limit for 30 minutes.

7. Raising the level of character
Become a Pokemon master GO would have to have a high level. The best way you can do to make our level so it is with hunting Pokemon. When can a new Pokemon you will get 600 EXP, while Juka old Pokemon you can 100 EXP. To maximize revenue EXP, you can use the Lucky Egg. Lucky Egg in Pokemon GO serves to double the revenue EXP finished 2 times for 30 minutes.

8. Save battery life when playing Pokemon GO
Running out of battery is a common problem when playing Pokemon GO. To save battery life when playing Pokemon GO available battery saver feature that can be used.

9. GPS Error when playing Pokemon GO?
Some players are having problems Pokemon GO GPS Error when trying to search for Pokemon. These include the GPS signal is not found and Failed to detect location. Such problems usually arise because aktifknya Mock Location (false locations) or its mode is still not High Accuracy. So that the problem does not happen again, you can read the following article: How to Solve Problems in Pokemon GO GPS Error

10. Getting a rare Pokemon
tips-and-tricks-playing pokemon-go-10Tips play more GO Pokemon Pokemon is getting scarce. Pokemon rare Pokemon is hunted by the players. To get a rare Pokemon, the best way to do this is to raise the level and play at night. At the moment we are a high level, the opportunity to find rare Pokemon is greater than ever. Based on experience, mostly rare Pokemon appear at night.

11. Winning the battle at the Gym
tips-and-tricks-playing pokemon-go-11Gym is commonly used by the players Pokemon GO to exercise or a battle between Pokemon. To seize the gym is already controlled other teams, you can use the following ways:

The gym has a value of Prestige, Prestige discharged current value (0), automatically will be back in the gym Neutral (White Color).
When Prestige neutral, you can put in there and Gym Pokemon will belong to your team.

To lower the Prestige, you have to win against monsters in the Gym. When defeated one Pokemon, Prestige will be reduced to 2000 points. The gym can be attacked many people at once. Other tips to beat the gym was to attack him together. If you're having Stuck while pressing the Go, you have to restart the application.

12. Support Mobile Gak play Pokemon GO
tips-and-tricks-playing pokemon-go-12Pokemon GO is a game that can be played on Android smartphones that have a KitKat operating system or above. Make sure the RAM is also used above 1 GB, if under 1 GB surely Pokemon GO will often experience Force Close.

13. Make a smartphone is not hot when playing Pokemon GO
tips-and-tricks-playing pokemon-go-13Pokemon GO forcing us to constantly open the application while hunting or breaking eggs. It certainly will make us so fast heat smartphone. Tips to play Pokemon GO in order not to make smartphones faster heat is to use an application bsol, Battery Saver, and do not use Hard Case.

Those are some tips and tricks to play Pokemon GO mandatory you need to know to become a master Pokemon. If you have any other tips on playing Pokemon GO, you can share in the comments field. Happy hunting!

source jalantikus.com

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